1300 881 606
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Horse welfare is our focus

We are a non-profit organisation, committed to providing hope for equines through
education, rehabilitation and advocacy.

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Project HOPE 2024 Winter Appeal

Imagine the gentle nuzzle of a horse who has finally found safety after years of neglect.

This is the reality we strive to create every day at Project Hope Horse Welfare Victoria.

But now, more than ever, we need your help.

Click on the pictures for more details 






We are proud to publish our 

2024 Annual Report 
Download here 

Since 1976 we have:

Provided advice, assistance and support to horse owners

Investigated reports of horse neglect and abuse

Rescued and rehabilitated horses in need

Offered education regarding horse welfare

Raised community awareness about the plight of neglected horses

Advocated for improved legislation and policy regarding equine welfare

Existed because of volunteers - thank you.

Project Hope attends events throughout the year at various locations. 

For further upcoming events we welcome your registration, interest and queries
via email
info@phhwv.org.au or by phone 1300 881 606

Welfare Guide

The Project Hope Horse Welfare Guide to Managing the Fat Horse.

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Become a member

Your annual membership goes towards helping horses in our short term care.

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Horses Available 

When you become a member you have the option of taking a horse into long term care.

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Report a horse

Let us know about a horse in need of urgent care or a home.

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Sponsors & Supporters

Project Hope wish to thank our sponsors and supporters for all that they do to help.
Check out our support page here